I have a very high regard for full time working parents. The age old debate between working and stay at home mom's will not be easily resolved. Some call it a war. This I find sad. I have had a glimpse at both sides. We are all just doing our best.
For 10 years of my early mothering, I worked a 12hr midnight shift a few days per week in a Sleep Lab, conducting sleep studies on patients who might have sleep apnea.
However, as years passed though, these night shifts became difficult as it was a challenge to stay awake for the home commute and more difficult to sleep during the day. There is
just a point when your body gets older, and maybe a bit smarter, and it just says "no". It was always a source of unfortunate irony that sleep labs disrupt the sleep/wake cycle of staff who should really know better. Shift work takes its toll on the body and on relationships.
Days off, when I worked nights, I fear I spent in a bit of a fog. I tried to fake it, but I don't think I fooled anyone. To be between night shifts, or worse, when trying to reset one's sleep cycle and rejoin the "day people", it often just feels like you have the flu.
When Derek returned, I was off for my night shifts, with a High Five in the doorway. When the turnaround was too tight, Bridget once asked "are you and Daddy separated and just not telling us?"
Traveling for work has been something Derek has been doing since we moved to Orangeville when Kate was 2 years old and Kevin was on the way. It was difficult at first, as we had just moved to town and I knew very few people. As life became more settled, brief trips became commonplace. There was a lot of shifting of work schedules and last minute babysitting arrangements made to accommodate travels that often happened without much notice. Derek and I both became skilled at single-parenting. I reluctantly shoveled snow and dealt with the garbage. He learned to presoak pudding stains and pack lunches. It was just a way of life. One might look at it as "absence makes the heart grow fonder". This may be true to some degree, but too
much distance can also become "out of sight, out of mind". We have worked hard to try to maintain the former, however, in retrospect, I would not recommend this lifestyle to young families.
At this time, with the kiddlings off on their own, it is easier to travel together, as I did this winter. I had a whole different perspective as a true lady of leisure. I was a "housewife". A kept woman, one might say. I had somehow evolved into a Stay At Home Mom without any kids. Shockingly I was still disorganized and messy. Unmatched sandals lying around. My lone socks piled up, even though, confusingly, I was not wearing any socks. Laundry was still behind and it was only towels. Dishes dried in the sink and I still left the garbage for Derek. All this time I have been under the mistaken impression that my organizational skills were just taxed by my busy working mother schedule. Turns out I am just a slob. Who knew?
Great blog Janett! So insightful, I related to so many of your situations...ESP laundry references...always laundry references.
Keep up the great blogging.
Thanks so much Kim. So nice to hear from you. So flattered you are reading. Janet
very entertaining!
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